Saturday, July 12, 2014

Character of the month! This month: Mabel Pines

Hello. I'm back with a character of the month: Mabel pines and her full bio. I got this off of Gravity falls wiki so if you want more info go check it out. Here it is:

Mabel Pines is the twin sister of Dipper Pines. Energetic, bouncy, and optimistic, Mabel makes the best of every situation with a big, goofy smile and her variety of colourful sweaters. Since the age of three, Mabel has celebrated Halloween in Piedmont, CA with her twin brother. She really loves trick-or-treating and is also known to have been practicing art since she was two. Mabel is a short twelve year old girl, one millimeter taller than her twin brother. She has round blushing cheeks, long brown hair, eyes the same brown as Dipper's,and she has braces. Mabel's clothes changes for each episode, more than any other character's, with at least one new outfit usually consisting of a sweater, skirt, headband, black shoes, white socks, and occasionally earrings, though she does something different from this look sometimes. Her signature outfit is a pink sweater with a rainbow shooting star falling toward the left, a matching pink headband, and a purple skirt with black shoes and white socks. Mabel claims to be an Arts and Crafts master, which is verified by the skills she's shown so far, including knitting, scrap booking ; having made a few scrap books about her and Dipper's time in Gravity Falls and of their past Halloween costumes. She never misses a "scrapbookortunity". Mabel is also considerably talented with wax sculpting, as seen in Head Hunters when she makes a realistic wax figure of Grunkle Stan in a extremely short amount of time. She is also very good when it comes to folding paper, as seen in Irrational treasure when she makes a hat out of an old piece of paper in a few seconds. She can pick locks with hairpins, as seen in The Deep End and  Boyz Crazy. Mabel is also skilled in animal calls.

Now on with Trivia:

  • Creator Alex Hirsch has said that Mabel is based on his twin sister, Ariel Hirsch. His sister often wore very silly, vibrant, goofy sweaters, so he made sure Mabel had a different sweater in every episode. Ariel also was a huge "fan-girl," explaining where at least a portion of Mabel's personality comes from.
    • Mabel's sweaters are based on sweaters Ariel wore.
    • Hirsch has also said that Mabel has been to the county jail with Dipper and Grunkle Stan, due to making counterfeit money.
  • Mabel is 1 millimeter taller than Dipper.
  • In the episode "The Deep End," Mabel said that she had encountered a couple of vampires.
  • Mabel is five minutes older than Dipper.
  • Mabel shows a sophisticated attitude when it comes to art.
  • Dipper and Mabel's middle names are their parents' first names.
  • The name Mabel comes from the Latin word "amabilis," meaning "lovable."
  • Mabel went to the hospital once for eating scratch and sniff stickers.
  • Mabel is secretly jealous that her brother is better academically than she is.
  • Mabel once fed baby birds with her mouth.
  • Mabel had a crush on "the man on the 20 dollar bill," Andrew Jackson
Remeber, "Reality is an illusion and the universe is a holigram. Buy Gold!"

1 comment:

  1. sorry about the white. My mistake. Your computer is fine
