Hello I am back with Episode two of gravity falls. It's called "Legend of the Gobblewonker"
Now in this episode we are introduced to a new character named Old man McGucket, but we will get to him later. Now the episode starts off with Grunkle Stan wanting to have family fun day with Dipper and Mabel. He decides to take them fishing, but Dipper and Mabel don't want to go fishing. While the pines family is talking in comes Old man McGucket saying "I seen it! I seen it again!" "The Gravity falls Gobblewonker! It chewed up my boat then swam back to scuttlebutt island!" Immediately everyone thinks he's crazy. Well everyone but Dipper and Mabel. Now earlier in the episode, Dipper sees a article about a monster contest so hearing about the Gobblewonker sparks his interest. They try to convince Grunkle Stan about taking them to scuttlebutt island instead of going fishing, but then Soos comes and in with his fancy boat and wants to go on a so called "Monster hunt" with Dipper and Mabel. Dipper and Mabel decide to go with Soos and they set off scuttlebutt island. After many mistaken sights they finally see the Gobblewonker. It scares them at first so they run away because it's chasing them. I mean its a pretty scary looking thing. They run into the boat ride off but Dipper still hasn't gotten a picture of the Gobblewonker. They led the Gobblewonker to a cave and Dipper finally got a picture. Then they find out that the Gobblewonker was actually a machine controlled by Old man McGucket. He explains that he built the Gobblewonker to get attention from his grandson. Dipper and Mabel get all sentimental and decide to go back to Grunkle Stan and everything was fine. At the end of the episode the boat hits a bump. Dipper asks "what was that?!"and Mabel replies, "It was probably just a piece of wood.". Then the camera falls down into the lake a we see what looks like a real Gobblewonker. Who knows for sure.
In this episode, if you use the caeser cipher to decode this message, it decode to "Next week: return to butt island." Who knows what that means.
Now be sure to vote on the poll for the next character you want to learn about next and remember,
"The world is an illusion and the universe is a hologram. Buy gold!"
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